Organic Yerba Matè


Made from the leaves of the Yerba Matè (Mat-ay) plant, this “tea” originates in Argentina and is drunk for its energy-boosting antioxidants which enhance physical & mental performance and boost the immune system.  It is commonly drunk as a replacement for coffee, due to its high caffeine content.

Matè has a unique earthy, green taste.

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Ingredients: Certified organic Yerba Matè.

Contains caffeine.

How to brew: Traditionally, 1-2 Tblsp of matè leaves are brewed in 250 mL water at 75-80ºC for 2-5 minutes depending on the desired strength.  Adjust the amount used, to suit desired strength.

Origin: Brazil

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Select Your Tea Size

50g Bag, 100g Bag, 50g Tin, Small Glass Tea Tube, Large Glass Tea Tube, 50g Apothecary Jar, 100g Apothecary Jar, 200g