Blue Lavender


** Golden Leaf Awards Gold Medal Winner**

A unique herbal tisane that magically changes colour!

The overall taste is floral with grounding notes of cinnamon followed by a mildly sweet finish.

Some possible benefits of this blend include: digestion, skin & hair health, stress and inflammation.

Best to avoid during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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Just add a squeeze of lemon or lime or add a splash of tonic water to change the colour from blue to lavender!

Ingredients: ACO Certified Organic butterfly pea flower, lavender, rose petals, cinnamon and stevia.

How to brew: As this is a herbal blend, it is best brewed on 100ÂșC water. Steep 1 tsp tea per 150mL water for 3-5 mins.

Caffeine: None

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Select Your Tea Size

50g Bag, 100g Bag, Small Glass Tea Tube, Medium Glass Tea Tube, Large Glass Tea Tube, 50g Apothecary Jar, 100g Apothecary Jar, 100g Wholesale, 250g Wholesale, 500g Wholesale, 1kg Wholesale, 50g Bag Wholesale-Retail, 100g Bag Wholesale-Retail, Small Glass Tea Tube Wholesale-Retail, Medium Glass Tea Tube Wholesale-Retail, Large Glass Tea Tube Wholesale-Retail, 50g Apothecary Jar Wholesale-Retail